Jefferson County, Missouri parents concerned over THC cartridges |

2022-04-22 23:58:21 By : Ms. Vicky Yu

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IMPERIAL, Mo. — A freshman at Seckman High School in Imperial, Missouri, took a hit of a THC pen at school and ended up in the hospital.

On Friday, the student recovers from brain surgery. Doctors said the teen hit her head during a seizure, causing her brain to bleed.

Her mom, who wished to say anonymous, believes the product her daughter inhaled was potentially laced with Fentanyl and Adderall. 

She said the seizure happened after a student offered her daughter a THC cartridge in the school's bathroom. The mom told 5 On Your Side that she learned her daughter has had seizures before when inhaling these possibly laced products.

That's when the rumor mill began among parents, wondering what's going on at Seckman High School.

Jefferson County Sheriff's Department spokesperson Grant Bissell, told 5 On Your Side there was a routine random drug search performed the same week this medical issue happened. 

"Two of these vaping devices called carts, that are specific made for vaping THC substances, were found in the possession of a couple of students," Bissell said.

He said there was a rumor that Fentanyl and Adderall were found, but he said it's not true. No arrests were made either. Punishment will be made through the school, along with a report being filed with the juvenile office.

"The school resource officer told me he has located more of these carts this school year than any other school year previous," Bissell said. "The majority of these devices our SRO has found appear to becoming from California. You don't know where they are coming from and you can't 100% believe that they are what they are advertised."

Like other departments that don't have crime labs, Jefferson County Sheriff's Department send their evidence to the Missouri State Highway Patrol's crime lab.

One reason it's unknown if the Seckman THC cartridges are laced is because the highway patrol crime lab is inundated with evidence.

At this time, the lab can't accept everything, so they may not be able to test the cartridges.

So for now, Bissell said, "We have no evidence that there's anybody overdosing from these THC vaping devices. The unknown of all this could be a problem. Don't put these substances into your body. It's entirely possible they could have these bad things in there."

Nick Wegman is the general manager of Florissant's Feel State dispensary.

He said in the state of Missouri, you have to be 18 to purchase cannabis products. So, it's likely these younger students are buying or getting the cartridges elsewhere.

"With a medical dispensary as far as Missouri is concerned, each product is going through multiple tests, hundreds of tests for contaminants, pesticides, anything that could cause harm to a patient," he said. "When it's from a gas station or a smoke shop, those items don't fall in the same scrutiny as items purchased in a medical dispensary."

Wegman said the products could seem legitimate. 

"When you get these certain products from the streets that are manufactured at home, the packaging may be similar to a dispensary. Glass container cartridges can be purchased on Amazon," Wegman notes. 

Wegman told 5 On Your Side they have heard a bit of everything can be laced into a THC cartridge. 

Some of the dangerous substances can include synthetic terpenes and Vitamin E acetate. When synthetic terpenes are heated, they can turn into carcinogenic compounds like benzene. 

Vitamin E alone can be useful in vitamins or skincare products, but when it's heated and inhaled, it can turn into a highly toxic gas called ketene. This can be deadly in high concentrations. In low concentrations, in can impair your nervous system. 

Wegman said there is no way to tell if a THC cartridge is mixed with something else. But the damage can be permanent

"There's truly no way to tell and that's what's horrible. You don't know until it's too late. You could do incredible harm to your brain. I mean, I've heard instances of people passing out after trying these things instantaneously. There's a good chance that blood flow is being cut off to the brain," Wegman said.

Bissell hopes parents can take this opportunity to talk to their kids. "Please let them know that it could be something far more dangerous, potentially deadly," he said.

Statement from Fox C-6 School District:

"The health and safety of students is our top priority in Fox C-6. As part of an ongoing effort to keep students safe, on April 14, one of our high schools, Seckman High, conducted a routine, previously scheduled drug dog search in part of the school building. This routine search was conducted in partnership with the Jefferson County Sherriff’s Department. Students found to be in possession of items that violate the District’s discipline policy are subject to discipline in accordance with said policy.

Fox C-6 is aware of an increase in the use of vape pens and similar devices across the country, and our schools are not immune to this trend. While there is still a lot for us and our community to learn, we can give some advice to all students and families. Avoid ingesting any items that you are not absolutely sure what they contain, especially vape pens and similar devices. It is not safe to use these types of devices, even if they are marketed as drug-free. The health and safety of students remain our top priority in Fox C-6."

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